
#Velocity/#Pressure #Response #Curve #Characterization of the #Arterial_Path of the P3 Iliac Reflection During #Hemorrhage Simulation

Abstract and Figures A new approach to tracking blood pressure, and pulse pressure specifically is presented that is based on a new form of pulse pressure wave analysis called Pulse Decomposition Analysis (PDA). The premise of the PDA model is that the peripheral arterial pressure pulse is a superposition of five individual component pressure pulses, the first of which is due to the left ventricular ejection from the heart while the remaining component pressure pulses are reflections and re-reflections that originate from only two reflection sites within the central arteries. The hypothesis examined here is that the PDA parameter T13, the timing delay between the first and third component pulses, correlates with pulse pressure. Furthermore the comparison of experimental and model predictions provides insight into the pressure/velocity responses of the different arterial segments that the iliac reflection pulse (P3) traverses. #VitalStream #cardiac_surgery #wavelet_algorithm #メディカルテクニカ #連続血行動態各種解析 #Pedcath8

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