
A cardiovascular screening using an arteriograph reveals much more than a typical blood pressure or cholesterol test will

Statistics indicate that around 60% of the time in heart attack cases, a standard cholesterol or blood pressure test won’t have revealed anything out of the ordinary. Guidelines (published in 2007) from the European Society of Hypertension recommend measuring arterial stiffness in patients with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure). Gordons Chemists are pleased to offer across Northern Ireland a cardiovascular screening clinic, using a state-of-the-art arteriograph. CardioHealth NI is the first and only company in Northern Ireland that uses an arteriograph; a session with CardioHealth NI at one of our cardiovascular screening clinics is priced at only £50. A cardiovascular screening using an arteriograph reveals much more than a typical blood pressure or cholesterol test will. By offering this cardiovascular screening clinic, we allow the patient to have a better understanding of the health of their arteries. As such they can make the decision to take control of their cardiovascular health – hopefully reducing the incidence or severity of heart attack, stroke or high blood pressure. In addition to identifying underlying health problems, the screening includes recommendations on diet and natural health solutions. A detailed report allows the patient to consult with their GP or medical professional in order to seek further advice and treatment, based on the findings of the screening. The cardiovascular screening clinic is suitable for anyone aged 16 years and over, or anyone with a family history of heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes. It’s also suitable for anyone who drinks alcohol or smokes, is overweight, or participates in (or is returning to) a sport

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